The Business Master (4th Edition)
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Text File
2,119 lines
ile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinF
File CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile Coin
nFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile Coi
inFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile Co
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CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile
CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile
CoinFile CoinFil┌─────────────────────────────┐ CoinFile CoinFile
e CoinFile CoinFi│ COINFILE INVENTORY SYSTEM │e CoinFile CoinFil
le CoinFile CoinF├─────────────────────────────┤le CoinFile CoinFi
ile CoinFile Coin│ Version 4.00 │ile CoinFile CoinF
File CoinFile Coi│ Copyright 1985-1994 by │File CoinFile Coin
nFile CoinFile Co│ John R. Duchek │nFile CoinFile Coi
inFile CoinFile C│ DUCHEK COMPUTER SERVICES │inFile CoinFile Co
oinFile CoinFile │ P.O. BOX 25006 │oinFile CoinFile C
CoinFile CoinFile │ ST. LOUIS, MO 63125 │CoinFile CoinFile
CoinFile CoinFile│ (314)-544-1843 │ CoinFile CoinFile
CoinFile CoinFil└─────────────────────────────┘ CoinFile CoinFile
e CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFil
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nFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile Coi
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oinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile CoinFile C
User Supported Programs
I Introduction...............................................3
Shareware Information.................................3
User Support, System Req, Program Features............4
Files in the COINFILE system..........................5
II Installing the Program.....................................8
Getting Started.......................................8
Upgrading from COINFILE 3.X...........................9
III Using the Program.........................................12
Inventorying your collection.........................12
Using the Main Menu..................................13
(O)pening an Existing Collection File...........13
Start a New (C)ollection File...................14
Start a New (W)ant File.........................16
(D)ata File Editing.............................19
(A)dding New Entries.......................20
(C)hange Current Entries...................20
(L)ist Current File........................21
(K)ill Current File........................22
(F)ind Duplicate Coins in Collection.......22
(U)pdate Coin Values for Entire File.......23
(M)ain Menu................................23
(W)ant File Editing.............................24
(A)dd New Entries..........................25
(D)elete Current Entries...................25
(C)hange Current Entries...................26
(L)ist Want File...........................26
(K)ill Current Want File...................27
(M)ain Menu................................27
(F)ile Name/Desc/MAC Editing....................28
(P)rinting Utility..............................28
(L)abel Printing................................29
Print (A)ll Labels from Data File..........29
Print (S)ection of Labels from Data File...30
Pick and (C)hoose Labels from Data File....30
Print (I)ndividual Labels..................31
(M)ain Menu................................31
(M)ake Inventory Sheet..........................32
(B)ack Up Coin Data.............................33
(R)ecover Coin Data.............................34
(C)oinfile Installation.........................35
(D)rive, Subdirectories....................35
(P)rinter Parameters.......................36
(E)dit National Want File Parameters.......37
(D)ata Sources.............................37
(W)rite revised COINSTAL.DTA and Return....38
Close all Files and (E)nd.......................38
IV. Utilities.................................................39
Using REBUILD.EXE...............................39
Using EDITDTRK.EXE..............................40
V. End.......................................................42
Warranty, Disclaimer............................42
Order Form......................................43
I. Introduction:
┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐
│█████████████████│ Approved Author │█████████████████│
│ │ 1992-1993 │ │
│ ▄█▄ │ │ ▄█▄ │
│ ▀ │ Association of │ ▀ │
│ ░░░ │ Shareware Authors │ ░░░ │
│ ░░░ │ and Distributors │ ░░░ │
└─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
John Duchek (Duchek Computer Services) is an approved author of
the Association of Shareware Authors and Distributors for 1992-1993.
This program has been produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Authors and Distributors and as such has met their demands
for professional programming. Any problems of a shareware nature that
cannot be resolved either by the source of the program or the author
of the program (whichever is applicable) may be brought to the
attention of the ASAD Ombudsman for possible correction. Please send
all information, including the name and address of the person or
company you received the program from to: ASAD, Attn: Ombudsman, 2425
North Limestone Street, Springfield, OH 45503-1109
The shareware version of COINFILE is unprotected. COINFILE is
not public domain software. It is copyrighted by John Duchek of
Duchek Computer Services and is being marketed as shareware. The cost
of registration is $30.00. If you make use of this software, honesty
requires that you pay for it. You are not permitted to sell this
software. You are permitted to make copies of the shareware version
for your friends, upload it in its complete unmodified form to public
bulletin boards, or distribute in packages clearly marked on the
outside as shareware.
The shareware version is the complete package with the following
exceptions. First only 3 American and 3 Canadian want files are
included. While you can generate your own using the program, these
should be enough to help you evaluate the program. The shareware
version will not back up or recover data files. If you have entered
enough data to require these features, perhaps you should consider
registering your copy.
The program allows 830 coins in each collection file. I have 35
collections and at least 200 should be allowed. There is no built in
limit for the number of collection files.
If you find COINFILE useful to you, you are asked to send $30.00
to its author. For this documentation in pamphlet form, an additional
$5.00 payment is required. On-disk documentation is included in
either case. A registration form is included on the last page of this
documentation. The address is:
John R. Duchek
Duchek Computer Services
P. O. Box 25006
St. Louis, MO 63125
Please be sure to list the version you have. I will send you the
current version by return mail.
By sending a contribution, you become a registered user of
COINFILE. This enables me to send you information on updates of the
software as well as information on any problems that might be
encountered in its use.
I will correspond with REGISTERED users of the program to help
with any difficulties they have running the program. Calls to discuss
any problems are at the user's expense. I am generally available
between 7 P.M. and 10 P.M. Central Time and would appreciate calls be
limited to these hours. I can't return long distance calls unless you
specify that I call collect. PLEASE DO NOT CALL if you are not
registered unless you can register by MasterCard or Visa at that time.
If you are UNREGISTERED and have a question or comment, feel free
to send a letter to the P.O. Box listed above. If you wish a reply
please send a self-addressed stamped envelope. Alternatively, leave a
message on Prodigy to PVSV97A. Since I only use Prodigy at irregular
intervals, answers may not be as prompt as a mailed question.
System Requirements
COINFILE 4.00 requires on IBM compatible computers with at least
640 K of memory, hard disk, color monitor, and an DOS version 3.0 or
above. A printer is highly recommended. A mouse is very useful.
Program Feature Description
COINFILE 4.00 is a set of programs, data and want files designed
and written for my own use to keep an accurate inventory of my coin
collections. It has several unique features not found in other
inventory systems. COINFILE 4.00 was written in Microsoft Visual Basic
for DOS using the Windows are EZ Library to make Windows and give
mouse support.
COINFILE 4.00 tracks the following data about each coin in each
Example: Maximum length
The year minted: 1992 (4 characters)
The mintage: D (10 characters)
The Condition: 50 stained (10 characters)
Current Value: $99,999.99 (Currency)
Purchase Price: $99,999.99 (Currency)
Date Purchased: 10-08-1993 (In DOS format, 10 characters)
Seller: A.Dealer (8 characters)
Coin conditions are reported in the Sheldon numerical system. In
this system 1-base, 4-good, 8-very good, 12-Fine, 20-Very Fine,
40-Extremely Fine, 50-Almost Uncirculated, 60-Mint state,
65-Exceptional, proof, 70-perfect in every way.
All of the lists and printouts calculate the increase or decrease
in value of each coin since purchased.
In COINFILE 4.00, the program controls all data access. A
typical collection has two files - a data file and a want file.
Using the Buffalo nickels as an example, its want file would contain a
list of all the coins normally included in a complete collection. The
data file would contain the information on your collection. By
comparing the two, the program can produce a want list of the coins
needed to complete your collection. The want file is also used to
produce the inventory sheets for inventorying your coin collections.
Using this file set up, a want list of any collection can be
produced at any time. Coins in the collection that are below the
minimum acceptable grade for that collection are noted. The feature
is invaluable when you take a trip to a coin dealer or coin show. The
registered version comes with the American and Canadian want files
included while the shareware version has 3 want files of each as
samples so you can see how the program works. Both the SW and
registered versions Coinfile are capable of making and editing the
want files.
The file names of a collection are determined by using the same
name for the want file and data file. The endings are determined by
the nationality of the coins. For an American coin collection such as
Buffalo nickels the wantfile would be named NICKBUF.AMR and the
matching data file would carry the name NICKBUF.DMR The registered
program comes with American and Canadian want files. Other want files
can be made by the user. The program will support up to 20 different
nationalities of want files.
Be certain that you are clear on what a want file, want list, and
data file are. These terms will be used repeatedly throughout the
manual and the program.
The printout utilities allow you to print out all coins of all
collections with descriptions and current values. This is very useful
in insuring your coin collections. Most insurers will insure only
individual coins, not collections. In order to have all of your coins
insured a full list of your coins with current prices and
descriptions is necessary and COINFILE 3.11 will provide it. This
allows you to keep your coin collections at home where you can enjoy
them rather than in a bank vault.
COINFILE 4.00 allows you to produce labels to stick onto your 2x2
coin holders using commonly available self adhesive address labels.
This is particularly useful to use just after inventorying a
collection to check your work.
I developed COINFILE as a simple system to learn and use.
Installation parameters can be set from the main menu and most
printers can be set up for use with this system. Through it the
control codes for setting up the printer can be easily installed. The
COINFILE 4.00 system is copyrighted (1985-1994) by John Duchek of
Duchek Computer Services. The registered COINFILE system comes on an
MS-DOS readable double-sided hi-density 5.25" disk unless otherwise
requested (720K, DSDD 3.5" diskettes are available on request).
Files in the COINFILE system:
COIN.EXE The main coin inventory program
COINBACK.EXE Backup program called from COIN.EXE
COINRECV.EXE Coin Recovery program called from COIN.EXE
INSTALL.EXE Installation program for new users.
UPGRADE.EXE Program to upgrade coin version 3.xx data to coin 4.0
(For previously registered users only.)
REBUILD.EXE Utility program to rebuild the DATATRAK.DTA file if
corrupted. (Registered users only)
EDITDTRK.EXE Utility program to manually edit the DATATRAK.DTA file
on advice of author only (Registered users only).
DATATRAK.DTA File contains information on each data file currently
in use. Comes to user with no data in it.
COINSTAL.DTA Data used by the program for printing, want files, and
disk access. Comes to user with default values.
Note that 3 American and 3 Canadian Want files are included with the
shareware version.
American Want Files
3CENTNIC.AMR Nickel 3 Cent Coins
3CENTSIL.AMR Silver 3 Cent Coins
CENTEAGL.AMR Flying Eagle Cents
CENTIND.AMR Indian Cents
CENTLIN.AMR Lincoln Cents
DIMELIB.AMR Liberty Dimes
DIMEMER.AMR Mercury Dimes
DIMEROO.AMR Roosevelt Dimes
DOLLIKE.AMR Eisenhower Dollars
DOLLMOR.AMR Morgan Silver Dollars
DOLLPEA.AMR Peace Dollars
DOLLSBA.AMR Susan B. Anthony Dollars
DOLLSEAT.AMR Seated Dollars
DOLLTRAD.AMR Trade Dollars
HALFCAP.AMR Capped Bust Half Dollars
HALFFRA.AMR Franklin Half Dollars
HALFKEN.AMR Kennedy Half Dollars
HALFLIB.AMR Liberty Half Dollars
HALFSEAT.AMR Seated Liberty Half Dollars
HALFWAL.AMR Liberty Walking Half Dollars
NICKBUF.AMR Buffalo Nickels
NICKJEF.AMR Jefferson Nickels
NICKLIB.AMR Liberty Nickels
NICKSHLD.AMR Shield Nickels
QUARLIB.AMR Liberty Quarters
QUARSEAT.AMR Seated Liberty Quarters
QUARSLI.AMR Standing Liberty Quarters
QUARWAS.AMR Washington Quarters
Canadian Want Files
CENTEII.CDA - Elizabeth II cents
CENTEVII.CDA - Edward VII cents
CENTGV.CDA - George V cents
CENTGVI.CDA - George VI cents
CENTV.CDA - Victoria cents
DOLLEII.CDA - Elizabeth II one dollar coins
DOLLGV.CDA - George V one dollar coins
DOLLGVI.CDA - George VI one dollar coins
FIVCEII.CDA - Elizabeth II five cent coins
FIVCEVII.CDA - Edward VII five cent coins
FIVCGV.CDA - George V five cent coins
FIVCGVI.CDA - George VI five cent coins
FIVCV.CDA - Victoria cents
FTYCEII.CDA - Elizabeth II fifty cent coins
FTYCEVII.CDA - Edward VII fifty cent coins
FTYCGV.CDA - George V fifty cent coins
FTYCGVI.CDA - George VI fifty cent coins
FTYCV.CDA - Victoria fifty cent coins
GD10GV.CDA - George V gold $10 coins
GD5GV.CDA - George V gold $5 coins
GSOVEVII.CDA - Edward VII gold sovereigns
GSOVGV.CDA - George V gold sovereigns
PLDOLLR.CDA - Proof like dollars
PLMSET.CDA - Proof like mint sets
TENCEII.CDA - Edward II ten cent coins
TENCEVII.CDA - Edward VII ten cent coins
TENCGV.CDA - George V ten cent coins
TENCGVI.CDA - George VI ten cent coins
TENCV.CDA - Victoria ten cent coins
TWENCV.CDA - Victoria twenty cent coins
TWFCEII.CDA - Edward II twenty-five cent coins
TWFCEVII.CDA - Edward VII twenty-five cent coins
TWFCGV.CDA - George V twenty-five cent coins
TWFCGVI.CDA - George VI twenty-five cent coins
TWFCV.CDA - Victoria twenty-five cent coins
UNCDOLLR.CDA - Uncirculated dollars
UNCSET.CDA - Uncirculated sets
Since most Canadian coins do not display mint marks, the mint
field is a pure description field for most coins. For coins which
have only a single variety in an year have blank mint fields. If
there are two coins of the same year, a description appears in the
mint field for at least one of the coins.
If you print out inventory sheets, you will be able to view these
and then edit them (using the want file editing facility).
II Installing the Program:
Getting Started
Please note that some VGA and EGA cards must be set to CGA using
their own software in order to display the screens in this program
Installing on a hard disk:
Coinfile will install itself in a subdirectory \COIN40. The
want files will be put into \COIN40\WANT and the data files will be
written into \COIN40\DATA. A 'COIN.BAT' file will be written in your
main directory to so that you can start the program by typing 'coin'.
COINFILE 4.00 Installation
Before attempting to use COINFILE 4.00 you should be certain it
is installed properly. First you MUST run the INSTALL.EXE program.
Answer the questions about your system and COINFILE 4.00 will install
itself to your hard drive. First, tell the computer the letter of
the disk which contains the original COINFILE diskette:
│││││││││││││││ COIN FILE 4.00 INSTALLATION PROGRAM │││││││││││││││
│││││││││││││││ Copyright 1985-1994, John R. Duchek │││││││││││││││
│││││││││││││││ Duchek Computer Services │││││││││││││││
│││││││││││││││ P.O. Box 25006 │││││││││││││││
│││││││││││││││ St. Louis, MO 63125 │││││││││││││││
│││││││││││││││ BBS (314)-638-3041 │││││││││││││││
││││ General Instructions │││││
││││ This program is designed to install COIN FILE 4.0 on │││││
││││ hard disk system from a floppy or hard drive. │││││
││││ You need to answer a few simple questions: │││││
││ Which drive has the Coinfile source diskette: (A,B,C,D....Z): A │││
The program will then ask the letter of hard disk the program is
to be installed to:
││ Which drive has Coinfile destination diskette: (A,B,C,D....Z): C ││
In order to back up your data the computer needs information
about the capacity of your floppy drives. If you have a 5.25" floppy
and intend to use 360K diskettes to back up, tell the computer you
have a 360 K drive (whether it is 360 K or 1.2 MB). If you intend to
use 1.2 MB diskettes, tell the computer you have a 1.2 MB drive. The
same idea holds true for the 720k and 1.44MB 3.5" disk drives.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╔Floppy Drive Types:═════════╗░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ none = 0 ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 5.25 inch 360 kb drive = 1 ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 5.25 inch 1.2 Mb drive = 2 ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 3.5 inch 720 kb drive = 3 ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 3.5 inch 1.4 MB drive = 4 ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╔Choose your Drive Capacities:═╗░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ Drive A: (1, 2, 3, 4): ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ Drive B: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4): ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
The program assumes that you have an A: drive but not
necessarily a B: drive. Enter a 0,1,2,3,4 to select drive capacity.
│ Installation Instructions │
│ Be sure that there is at least 1.5 MB of room on your │
│ destination disk C: and the Coinfile disk is in A: │
│ Press <ESC> to exit, any other key to continue. │
This screen is your last chance to abort the installation. Press
<ESC> to return to DOS. Press any other key to install COIN40.
If you are a registered user upgrading to COIN40, you should run
the normal INSTALL.EXE program like a new user. This will install an
empty copy of COIN40 on your hard drive and will not disturb your copy
of COIN31 or COIN30. Once installed you will find a program called
UPGRADE.EXE in your COIN40 directory. Before you run it, BACKUP your
old version JUST IN CASE SOMETHING HAPPENS. After you have your old
version and data backed up, run UPGRADE.EXE and answer the questions
which are asked.
Screen 1:
│ Press the drive letter that COINFILE 4.0 │
│ was installed on. (C-Z) │
║ What drive has Coin 4.0 been installed on (C-Z): C ║
Specify which drive you just installed COIN40 to.
Screen 2:
│ If COINFILE 3.X was installed on drives │
│ A and B, Press A, otherwise press C-Z. │
║ What drive has Coin 3.X been installed on (A,C-Z) C ║
Specify the drive your old version of COINFILE is on.
Screen 3:
│ If your old version is in the subdirectory│
│ \COIN30 press 0, if in \COIN31 press 1. │
║ What version of Coinfile do you have (3.0 or 3.1; enter 0,1) 1 ║
Specify whether your old version is located in \COIN30 or \COIN31
by entering a 0 or 1.
Screen 4:
│ If you want your COIN3.X wantfiles copied │
│ over to \COIN40\WANT press Y, else press N. │
║ Have you customized your Version 3.x want files (Y/N) ? N ║
If you have made changes in your version 3.x want files and want
them converted over for use with COIN40, press Y. If not, the current
COIN40 wantfiles which have been updated to 1994 will be used.
Screen 5:
│ If all of your data files are American, │
│ you will NOT be asked to specify each file. │
║ Are all of your data files for American Coins (Y/N) ? Y ║
A few users already have some Canadian want files in use with
Canadian data. If all of your collections are American, the old file
endings will be converted automatically to DMR. If you say No here,
you will be asked for each data file whether it is American or
After answering this question, the computer will update your data
and want files and DATATRAK.DTA and COINSTAL.DTA from the old version
to the new version. If for any reason your COINFILE 3.x resists being
updated, please inform me of your problems.
If the program does not seem to be running properly, it is
probably due to the installation not being completed properly. Many
of the installation parameters can be checked from the coinfile
installation section of the main menu. The use of this is discussed
in the Main Menu section of the documentation.
Upgrading from COINFILE 2.0x to 4.00
COINFILE 2.0x was written in generic Microsoft BASIC and
compiled. COINFILE 3.11 was written in Quick BASIC 4.50 and compiled.
Quick BASIC random data files are written in a different format (IEEE)
than those in Microsoft BASIC (Microsoft). Version 4.00 was written
in Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Version 1.00. For this reason
data files from version 2.0x must be "converted" for use with version
3.11 and reconverted from 3.11 to 4.00. A new user of version 4.00
need not concern himself with this, but users of version 2.04 must
convert their data files or retype them in. Since version 2.0x has
not been supported since 1990, there has been no conversion program
written. If a user registers 4.00 and wishes to convert his data
files from version 2.0x to 4.00, I am willing to perform the
conversion for a $25.00 fee (for any number of data files). Contact
me for details.
III Using the Program:
Inventorying your collections:
On your purchase of COINFILE 4.00, the first thing you need to do
is to accurately inventory your coin collection. If you have a large
collection of coins, taking an inventory is a long job. It is best to
do it one series at a time, and do the job well so that mistakes are
minimized. The computer can print an "inventory sheet" to assist you
for any collection which has a want file associated with it. This
sheet lists out the dates and mints in a collection and leaves blanks
for the condition, value, purchase price, date and seller. At the
bottom of each collection blanks are left for any coin you feel is not
suitably named in the want file. These coins should be added to the
want file before a want list is generated.
Your copy of COINFILE 4.00 comes on an MS-DOS 1.2 MB 5.25" Hi
density data diskette. It is also available on a 720 K DSDD 3.5"
diskette. It is sensible to use the COINFILE 4.00 diskette for a safe
copy so the first thing to do is make your working copy of the
program. Copy the coinfile disk using your DISKCOPY command. Use the
copy for installing COINFILE.
After installation, if you wish to change installation
parameters, you may do so from the COINFILE INSTALLATION MENU which is
described as part of the main menu section.
Using the Main Menu
║ Open an Existing Collection File ║
║ Start New Collection File ║
║ Start New Want File ║
║ Data File Editing ║
║ Want File Editing ║
║ File Name/Desc/MAC Editing ║
║ Printing Utility ║
║ Label Printing ║
║ Make Inventory Sheet ║
║ Back Up Coin Data ║
║ Recover Coin Data ║
║ Coinfile Installation ║
║ Close All Files and End ║
When you type COIN<CR>, the initial copyright screen is shown,
and the program proceeds to the Main Menu. In version 4.00, you can
navigate the menus by pressing the highlighted letter, moving the
light bar using the arrow keys, or using a mouse to double-click on
the desired entry. Due to a program limitation the mouse double-click
does not work on the multiple selection screens. You will recognize
these when you are asked to use <+> or <INS> to mark entries. The
discussion of the program is organized by the menus used to move
around. If you have questions about a command, look up the command
under the menu it is in. The menus in the documentation may have
minor cosmetic differences compared to those seen in the program due
to space limitations in the manual.
(O)pening an Existing Collection File
All of the menus display the coin collection which is currently
open. When you start, NO FILE IS OPEN. If you have used the program
before and made data files, you can press 'O' to display the names of
the files and their descriptions. On your first attempt to run the
program, you will have nothing listed here since you have entered no
data. An experienced COINFILE user will see a display like the one
shown below:
Existing Files:
3CENTNIC, Three Cent Coins
3CENTSIL, Silver Three Cent Coins ▓
CENHALF, Half Cents ░
CENTEAGL, Flying Eagle Cents ░
CENTIND, Indian Cents ░
CENTLIN, Lincoln Cents ░
CENTLRG, Large Cents ░
DIMEBUST, Capped Bust Dimes ░
DIMELIB, Liberty Dimes ░
DIMEMER, Mercury Dimes ░
DIMEROO, Roosevelt Dimes ░
DIMESEAT, Seated Liberty Dimes ░
DIMHALF, Half Dimes ░
DOLLIKE, Eisenhower Dollars ░
DOLLMOR, Morgan Silver Dollars ░
DOLLPEA, Peace Silver Dollars ░
DOLLSBA, SBA Dollars ░
HALFCAP, Capped Bust Halves ░
HALFCOM, Commemorative Halves
To select the collection to be opened, simply double-click your
mouse, or use the arrow keys to highlight the entry desired and press
<ENTER>. Press <ESC> to return to the main menu without opening a
file. If you have more than a page of files, you can drag the mouse
or use the arrow keys and PgUP/PgDn keys to move around.
If you had chosen Mercury Dimes the main menu would now display:
║ FILE DESC: Mercury Dimes ║
║ Open an Existing Collection File ║
║ Start New Collection File ║
║ Start New Want File ║
║ Data File Editing ║
║ Want File Editing ║
║ File Name/Desc/MAC Editing ║
║ Printing Utility ║
║ Label Printing ║
║ Make Inventory Sheet ║
║ Back Up Coin Data ║
║ Recover Coin Data ║
║ Coinfile Installation ║
║ Close All Files and End ║
(S)tart New Collection File
In prior versions of COINFILE, new collections were started from
the data editing menu. This proved to be confusing to many new users.
For this reason, this menu choice has been moved out onto the Main
Menu. To start a new collection data file, press S (or use the mouse
or arrow keys to highlight and double-click or <Enter>). This menu
should appear:
║ To use want file assistance in starting this ║
║ new collection, choose the nationality desired.║
║ For no assistance, choose 'No Want File'. ║
║ America ║
║ Canada ║
║ No Want File ║
Coinfile now supports up to 20 countries want files at once.
Version 4.00 comes with American (AMR) and Canadian (CDA) want files
included. If you choose No Want File, then the collection will be
built without want file help and will have no nationality designation
(XXX). If you choose a nationality, all of the want files for that
nationality will be displayed for you to choose from. For example, if
you choose America, the American want files (ends in AMR) will be
║ Choose the want file name which matches the ║
║ name for your new collection. The program will║
║ assign the data file the same forename. ║
Select File -
If you had chosen no want files this step would be skipped. Once
you choose a want file, this menu will be displayed:
╔═════Start Data File with Want File Active═════╗
║ In order to start a data file with matching ║
║ want file, please define a description ║
║ and minimum acceptable condition. ║
File Name: TEST6.DMR
File Description:
Minimum Acceptable Coin Condition (MAC) (1-70):
If you have chosen a want file, the file name of the matching
data file is displayed and cannot be changed. If you had chosen NO
WANT FILE, you would have to supply a file name on this menu. In
either case, you must supply a file description and minimum acceptable
coin condition. Anything with a lower condition than your
specification will be considered a "filler". Fillers are listed on
want list printouts for possible replacement. The MAC can be changed
at anytime later. Once you give the program this information the Add
Coin menu appears:
┌─────────────────Add Coins -- General Instructions──────────────────┐
│ Press ESC to return to main menu (last record not saved) │
│ Press <Enter> to go to next field │
│ leaving last field (seller) starts new record │
│ Current Record number: 1 │
Year: Mint: Condition:
Current Coin Entry: 1916 D
Prior Coin Entry: 1916 D
Coin Value: Purch. Price: Purch. Date: Seller:
Current Coin Entry: $.00 $.00 10-16-1993
Prior Coin Entry: $0.00 $0.00
╔═══════Current file════════╗
║ Mercury Dimes ║
Once you are at this menu, you can fill in the blanks.
If NO WANT FILE was chosen, the last entered coin will appear as
the default. It will help you if you put all of your single years one
after another. If the program just beeps when you type, press the INS
key to go into overwrite. The input program used here forcibly starts
up in INSERT mode. I am working on changing this, but have not been
successful thus far.
If a WANT FILE was chosen, the default entry will be the next
coin in the file. This will help you if you have filled out an
inventory sheet for the collection since they will be in the same
order. You will not have to type in years or mints. Each time you
press <ENTER> in the seller field, a new coin entry will be generated.
To exit the routine, press ESC. The current screen information
WILL NOT be written to the file, so you type in all your coins, get to
a new coin display, and press ESC.
Start a New (W)ant File
Under this menu item, you may add new want files to describe
collections other than those given with the COINFILE inventory system.
First, you need to choose a nationality for your want file. If the
desired nationality is not shown, you need to set up a new nationality
in the COINFILE Installation menu item before proceeding.
After choosing the nationality, give the want file a name of 8
characters or less. I recommend that the first few letters are used
for the denomination of the coin as with the ones given with the
program. ie CENTLIN, CENTLRG, CENTIND. This allows you to do
printouts of all of your cent collections when desired. Your data
file (when you start it) will automatically take the same file name.
The want file will have an extension based on nationality (AMR) and
the data file will replace the 1st letter of this extension with a D.
(DMR would be the datafile extension).
╔═════════════════Preparing a New Want File:══════════════════╗
║ Choose the nationality of the coins in this new want file. ║
║ If the nation is not displayed then you must go to the ║
║ Installation menu to set up the new nation's file system. ║
Once you have chosen a country for the new want file, you must
enter a 1-8 character file name for the new want file.
╔═════════════════Preparing a New Want File:══════════════════╗
║ Choose the nationality of the coins in this new want file. ║
║ If the nation is not displayed then you must go to the ║
║ Installation menu to set up the new nation's file system. ║
║ File name: ║
Once you have chosen the file name for the new want file, you may
enter the main mintage runs. For this you put in a starting year,
ending year, and mint designation. The computer will fill in all
years in between. Don't worry if a few of these are not real, you
will be given a chance to delete these in the next menu. Press ESC to
move to the next section.
│ Making a New Want File -- Step 1 -- Main Mintage Runs │
│Input the starting year, ending year and mint. The computer will │
│generate all of the years in between. After all mints are entered │
│(up to 5) enter <ESC> to move to next section. │
│Start End Mint │
Starting year: ├─────────────────────────┤
│ 1980 1985 D │
Ending Year: │ │
│ │
Mint: │ │
│ │
This menu displays the coins generated in the mintage run
section. Use the + or INS key to mark an entry for deletion or - or
DEL to unmark an entry. <SPACE> toggles the marking or unmarking of
ALL entries.
┌──────Making a New Want File -- Step 2 -- Removing Exceptions──────┐
│ The system will display the coins entered. Use the <INS> or <+> │
│ key to choose <DEL> or <-> to unmark. <SPACE> toggles all entries.│
└────────────────────────<ESC> to continue.─────────────────────────┘
│ 1989 D
│ 1990 D ▓
│ 1991 D ░
│ 1992 D ░
│ 1993 D ░
│ 1994 D ░
│ 1995 D ░
│ 1989 S ░
│ 1990 S ░
│ 1991 S ░
│ 1992 S ░
│ 1993 S ░
│ 1994 S ░
│ 1995 S
At this point you should have the corrected mintage runs of
normal coins. You are now given the chance to enter special mintage
coins. Here you would enter such things as the 3 legged buffalo
nickel or the 1960 large date penny. Remember that you have up to 10
characters to describe the mint. Also remember that how you describe
a coin in the want file is how you should describe it in the data
file. Otherwise they will not be compared correctly when writing a
want list. That is 1937 D 3 LEGGED won't match 1937 D 3 LEGS
│ Making a New Want File -- Step 3 -- Adding Individual Coins │
│ Add special coins to the file such as errors or unusual mints. │
│ Press <ESC> to sort and write the new want file to disk. │
│ │
Year: 1937
Mint: D 3 Legged
(D)ata File Editing
Before being allowed to enter this menu, you must have a
collection data file open. If you attempt to enter this menu without
opening a file, you simply will be sent back to the main menu. Once
you have a file open, selecting Data File Editing brings up this menu.
│FILE DESC: Mercury Dimes │
│ Add New Entries │
│ Delete Current Entries │
│ Change Current Entries │
│ List Current File │
│ Kill Current File │
│ Find Duplicate Coins in Collection │
│ Update Coin Values for Entire File │
│ Main Menu │
The File description shows which collection you are working on.
You may add new entries to the collection, delete existing entries,
change current entries, list the file, kill the file, find duplicates,
update coin values, or return to the main menu.
(A)dding New Entries
When Adding entries, this screen is used:
┌─────────────────Add Coins -- General Instructions──────────────────┐
│ Press ESC to return to main menu (last record not saved) │
│ Press <Enter> to go to next field │
│ leaving last field (seller) starts new record │
│ Current Record number: 84 │
Year: Mint: Condition:
Current Coin Entry: 1945 S 16
Prior Coin Entry: 1945 S 16
Coin Value: Purch. Price: Purch. Date: Seller:
Current Coin Entry: $1.00 $1.00 10-17-1993 Crown
Prior Coin Entry: $1.00 $1.00 01-01-1986 Crown
╔═══════Current file════════╗
║ Mercury Dimes ║
This is the same screen used for adding coins when generating a
new coin file. Fill in the blanks. After entering the seller a new
coin sheet will be generated. Your last entries are used as defaults.
You can press <enter> or <TAB> to move from field to field. After
entering the last coin you will have a screen waiting for input.
Press <ESC> and you will leave the screen NOT SAVING the last entry.
(D)elete Current Entries
Mercury Dimes 84 coins
║ Year Mint Condition Cur.Value Pur.Price Pur.Date Seller ║
║ 1916│D │1 │ $ 300.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown
║ 1916│P │4 │ $ 1.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ▓
║ 1916│S │2 │ $ 2.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1917│D │4 │ $ 2.90│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1917│P │30 │ $ 5.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1917│S │12 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1918│D │4 │ $ 1.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1918│P │6 │ $ 2.25│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1918│S │6 │ $ 1.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1919│D │4 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1919│S │4 │ $ 2.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1920│P │12 │ $ 2.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1920│S │12 │ $ 3.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1921│P │4 │ $ 19.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown
<+> or <Ins> to Mark for Deletion - <SPACE> marks or unmarks all
<-> or <Del> to UnMark for Deletion, <Enter> or ESC to Exit
Deleting coins is easy. Simply place the bar on the entry to
delete and press + or Ins. A marker will appear on the left. Click
on all the entries you want deleted. You can page up and down or use
the mouse to move around in the file. When all desired deletions are
marked, press <enter> or ESC and you will be returned to the DATA EDIT
MENU with all of the deletions accomplished. BE CAREFUL not to use
the <SPACE BAR> casually. Press it once and it sets up to delete ALL
entries. Press it a second time and it unmarks ALL entries.
(C)hange Current Entries
Changing entries works in a similar manner to deleting them.
Mercury Dimes 84 coins
║ Year Mint Condition Cur.Value Pur.Price Pur.Date Seller ║
║ 1916│D │1 │ $ 300.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown
║ 1916│P │4 │ $ 1.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ▓
║ 1916│S │2 │ $ 2.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1917│D │4 │ $ 2.90│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1917│S │12 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1918│D │4 │ $ 1.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1918│S │6 │ $ 1.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1919│D │4 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1919│S │4 │ $ 2.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1920│P │12 │ $ 2.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1920│S │12 │ $ 3.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1921│D │4 │ $ 28.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1921│P │4 │ $ 19.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown
<+> or <Ins> to Mark for Change - <SPACE> marks or unmarks all
<-> or <Del> to UnMark for Change, <Enter> or ESC to Exit
Mark the entries you wish to change. The same add screen is used
for changing your coin entries:
┌────────────────Change Coins -- General Instructions────────────────┐
│ Press ESC to return and make NO changes. │
│ Press <Enter> to go to next field │
│ leaving last field (seller) saves changes to file. │
│ Current Record number: 5 │
Year: Mint: Condition:
Current Coin Entry: 1917 P 30
Coin Value: Purch. Price: Purch. Date: Seller:
Current Coin Entry: $5.50 $1.00 01-01-1986 unknown
╔═══════Current file════════╗
║ Mercury Dimes ║
All of the coins you selected will appear one after the other for
changing. You will then be returned to the DATA EDIT MENU.
(L)ist Current File
Mercury Dimes 84 coins
║Year Mint Condition Cur.Value Pur.Price Pur.Date Seller %chge║
║ 1916│D │1 │ $ 300.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 29900
║ 1916│P │4 │ $ 1.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 75 ░
║ 1916│S │2 │ $ 2.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 100 ▓
║ 1917│D │4 │ $ 2.90│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 190 ░
║ 1917│P │30 │ $ 5.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 450 ░
║ 1917│S │12 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 150 ░
║ 1918│D │4 │ $ 1.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 50 ░
║ 1918│P │6 │ $ 2.25│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 125 ░
║ 1918│S │6 │ $ 1.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 50 ░
║ 1919│D │4 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 150 ░
║ 1919│P │6 │ $ 1.20│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 20 ░
║ 1919│S │4 │ $ 2.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 140 ░
║ 1920│D │6 │ $ 2.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 150 ░
║ 1920│P │12 │ $ 2.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 100 ░
║ 1920│S │12 │ $ 3.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 275 ░
║ 1921│D │4 │ $ 28.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 2700 ░
║ 1921│P │4 │ $ 19.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown │ 1800
┌──── Total Value: ─────┐┌───── Total Cost: ─────┐┌─── % Increase: ───┐
│ $ 537.29 ││ $ 119.65 ││ 349% │
The coin list allows you to page up and down to see your
collection. The collection total value, cost and overall % increase
are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Press <ESC> to return to
(K)ill Current File
To properly delete a data file, it must be removed using this
menu entry. It not only removes the file, but also removes
information on it from the DATATRAK.DTA file. After requesting to
kill an active file, you are given one chance to abort it.
┌───────────WARNING -- Kill Data File -- WARNING───────────┐
│ This routine will DESTROY all traces of the data file │
│ named DIMEMER.DMR, Mercury Dimes │
║ Are you SURE you want to do this (Y/N) ? ║
Say Y to this screen and the file will be deleted and then you
will be returned to the DATA EDIT MENU.
(F)ind Duplicate Coins in Collection
This menu choice will list any coins which have duplicates (same
year and mint) in the collection. It gives you a printout of the
duplicates if desired.
Be sure your printer is ready and at the top of a page.
║ Do you want a printout (Y/N) ? ║
If you want a printout, say Y to this menu. It will check to be
sure your printer is ready, and then display the duplicates and print
them out. If you say N, only the screen display will be shown. You
can page up and down through the listing.
Roosevelt Dimes - Duplicates in 118 coins
║ Year Mint Condition Cur.Value Pur.Price Pur.Date Seller ║
║ 1946│D │60 │ $ 3.20│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown
║ 1946│D │60 │ $ 3.20│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ▓
║ 1948│S │60 │ $ 6.90│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1948│S │40 │ $ 6.90│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1949│P │60 │ $ 22.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1949│P │12 │ $ 22.50│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1949│S │60 │ $ 49.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1949│S │12 │ $ 49.00│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1952│S │60 │ $ 5.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1952│S │8 │ $ 5.75│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1953│P │60 │ $ 2.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1953│P │12 │ $ 2.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1954│S │60 │ $ 1.35│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1954│S │20 │ $ 1.35│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1955│D │60 │ $ 1.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1955│D │55 │ $ 1.40│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown ░
║ 1956│D │60 │ $ 1.30│ $ 1.00│01-01-1986│unknown
Press <ESC> to return
(U)pdate Coin Values for Entire File
Since COINFILE 3.00 came out, I have tried to convince several
magazines to put their current coin prices out on disk. If I had been
successful, I would have written a routine to automatically update
coin prices. Since I have not been successful at this, I have made it
as easy as possible to update your collections. When you choose to
update an active collection, the computer will ask you where you want
to start. Since this job is somewhat time consuming, it assumes that
you might have stopped partway through and would like to start at some
particular date. It will give you a default value from the beginning
of the collection. Simply type in the date you want to start if you
don't want to start at the beginning.
If I can find an on-disk coin price list that is updated
regularly, I would be happy to write an automatic coin price update
Coin Value Update for Roosevelt Dimes
║ Year to start update: 1946 ║
This screen will then appear:
<Enter> keeps the old price.
│ Coin Value Update - Roosevelt Dimes │
│Year Mint Condition Value Pur. Price Pur. Date Seller │
│1946 D 60 $ 3.20 $ 1.00 01-01-1986 unknown │
║ New Current Value (ESC to quit): $3.20 ║
Each coin will be displayed in order and you can type in a new
current value. To quit at any time press <ESC>. At the end of the
collection the program will place you back at the DATA EDIT MENU.
(M)ain Menu
Pressing this menu item will return you to the main menu.
(W)ant File Editing
If a file is open when you enter this menu, the matching want
file will be the active file for editing (see want menu). If no file
is open you will be prompted to select one. First you should select
the country of the want file you wish to edit:
╔══════Opening a Want File:══════╗ ╔═══Country:═══╗
║ Choose the nationality of the ║ ║ AMERICA
║ Want File that you want to ║ ║ CANADA ▓
║ open. If the nation is not ║ ╚══════════════╝
║ displayed you must go to the ║
║ Installation menu to set up ║
║ the new nation's file system. ║
Then select the want file you want to open:
╔══════Opening a Want File:══════╗ Select File - ╔═══Country:═══╗
║ Choose the nationality of the ║ 3CENTNIC.AMR ║ AMERICA
║ Want File that you want to ║ 3CENTSIL.AMR ║ CANADA ▓
║ open. If the nation is not ║ CENHALF.AMR ╚══════════════╝
║ displayed you must go to the ║ CENTEAGL.AMR
║ Installation menu to set up ║ CENTIND.AMR
║ the new nation's file system. ║ CENTLIN.AMR
╚════════════════════════════════╝ CENTLRG.AMR
Once a want file is open, you will have the Want Menu displayed:
│ Add New Entries │
│ Delete Current Entries │
│ Change Current Entries │
│ List Want File │
│ Kill Current Want File │
│ Main Menu │
You may add, change, delete, list want file entries, kill the
entire want file, or return to the main menu.
(A)dd New Entries
│ Adding to a Want File │
│ Simply type the new year and mintage. Press <ESC> │
│ to sort and write the expanded want file to disk. │
│ Filename: CENTEAGL.AMR │
│ Editing coin index number: 4 │
│ Editing coin number: 1 │
Last Entry: 1858
Last Entry: P
Simply type in the year and mintage. Press <ENTER> to continue,
<ESC> to sort and write the file and return to the main menu.
(D)elete Current Entries
║ Year Mint ║
║ 1909 P
║ 1909 P VDB ▓
║ 1909 S ░
║ 1909 S VDB ░
║ 1910 P ░
║ 1910 S ░
║ 1911 D ░
║ 1911 P ░
║ 1911 S ░
║ 1912 D ░
║ 1912 P ░
║ 1912 S ░
║ 1913 D ░
║ 1913 P ░
║ 1913 S ░
║ 1914 D ░
║ 1914 P
<+> or <Ins> to Mark for Deletion - <SPACE> marks or unmarks all
<-> or <Del> to UnMark for Deletion, <Enter> or ESC to Exit
Page up and down the list, marking or unmarking any entries you
wish to delete. When you want to do the deletion press <ENTER> or
<ESC> to do the deletion and return to the Want Menu.
(C)hange Current Entries
║ Year Mint ║
║ 1909 P
║ 1909 P VDB ▓
║ 1909 S ░
║ 1909 S VDB ░
║ 1910 P ░
║ 1910 S ░
║ 1911 D ░
║ 1911 P ░
║ 1911 S ░
║ 1912 D ░
║ 1912 P ░
║ 1912 S ░
║ 1913 D ░
║ 1913 P ░
║ 1913 S ░
║ 1914 D ░
║ 1914 P
<+> or <Ins> to Mark for Change - <SPACE> marks or unmarks all
<-> or <Del> to UnMark for Change, <Enter> or ESC to Exit
Page up and down the list, marking or unmarking any entries you wish
to change. When you are done choosing entries to be changed press
<ENTER> or <ESC>. The program will go through the coins you chose to
change allowing you to make any changes in each. When done it will
return to the want menu.
(L)ist Want File
Press <ESC> to exit.
╔════════════════════════╗ ╔══Wanted Coins:═══╗
║ File name: CENTLIN.AMR ║ ║ 1909 P
╚════════════════════════╝ ║ 1909 P VDB ▓
║ 1909 S ░
║ 1909 S VDB ░
║ 1910 P ░
║ 1910 S ░
║ 1911 D ░
║ 1911 P ░
║ 1911 S ░
║ 1912 D ░
║ 1912 P ░
║ 1912 S ░
║ 1913 D ░
║ 1913 P ░
║ 1913 S ░
║ 1914 D ░
║ 1914 P ░
║ 1914 S ░
║ 1915 D ░
║ 1915 P
This menu item allows you to list the want file, and use the
mouse or arrow keys to page up and down and look at the entries.
Press <ESC> to return to the want menu.
(K)ill Current Want File
║ Are you sure you wish to kill CENTLIN.AMR (Y/N) ? ║
Asking to kill the file presents you with a last chance to change
your mind. You may return to the want menu by saying 'N'.
If you say 'Y' the program will delete the want file and rename
the corresponding data file to FILENAME.XXX. The XXX ending means it
has no matching want file.
(M)ain Menu
This entry returns you to the main menu.
(F)ile Name/Desc/MAC Editing
│ File Name/Description/Min. Accept. Condition Editing │
│ Choose your new Filename, Description and MAC and │
│ press <ENTER>. Choose <ESC> to exit with no changes. │
File Name: CENTIND
File Description: Indian Cents
Minimum Acceptable Condition: 4
This menu cannot be entered unless a data file has been opened.
Its purpose is to change the file name, file description, or Minimum
Acceptable Condition (MAC) for this collection. If you change the
file name, the file will be renamed and the corresponding want file
will be renamed by the program. This allows you to reorganize your
collections if necessary. The MAC is the lowest quality coin you want
to consider a permanent part of the collection. Anything lower in
grade will be considered a filler when a want list is made.
(P)rinting Utility
║ A Active File ║
║ B File Set ║
║ C Want List for Active File ║
║ D Want List Set ║
║ E Active File and Want List ║
║ F File Set and Want List Set ║
║ G (Related) Want File ║
║ H Want File Set ║
║ I Insurance List ║
║ J Total Value Report ║
║ K DATATRAK.DTA File Information ║
║ M Main Menu ║
When you press P at the main menu and select the printing utility
this menu appears. Entries which deal with a single file (A,C,E,G)
will not run unless you selected a file at the open file main menu
item. The other print items on this menu involve multiple files and
can be run with no file open.
Menu Items
Item A prints your current active data file. If you had opened a
data file at the main menu, that file could be printed with this menu
item. Item B ignores the current open file and allows you to print
more than one file. If you select B, you will then be asked for a
partial file name or 'ALL'. If you enter ALL, all of your data files
will be printed out. If you select 'CENT', then any files whose file
names start in CENT will be printed. Thus, CENTEAGL.AMR, CENTIND.AMR,
CENTLIN.AMR, and CENTLRG.AMR would all be printed.
The rest of the print menu works in a similar manner. C and D
print want lists while G and H print want files. E and F print your
data file and its corresponding want list one after the other. Want
lists are extremely useful for browsing at a coin show or telling
dealers what coins you need.
'I' prints a list of your coins for your insurance company. This
list tells them your current value for each coin, but does not list
what you originally paid for it. My insurance company only insures
individual coins and I send them an updated list every so often.
'J' is a new report for version 4.00. It goes through your
collections and calculates the total value and cost of each and prints
it out. Several users requested this so that they don't need to print
out all of their collections to get this status report.
'K' prints out the information in your current DATATRAK.DTA file.
This gives you information on how many coins are in each file, whether
you have a want file attached to it and when it was last updated.
(L)abel Printing
This menu can only be entered after opening a data file.
│ This program will print small labels for 2 X 2 coin holders. Due│
│ to the limitations on the size of address labels for computer│
│ printers (small labels tend to come off in printer), this routine│
│ has been designed to use 3" by 15/16" labels which are available.│
│ The program will print 6 labels on each. These can be cut apart and│
│ each small label will still have a peelable edge. │
█ │ │ █
█────────┼────────┼────────█ Cut on lines.
█ │ │ █
│ FILE DESC: Mercury Dimes │
┌──────────────LABEL PRINTING MENU───────────────┐
│ Print All Labels from Data File │
│ Print Section of Labels from Data File │
│ Pick and Choose Labels from Data File │
│ Print Individual Labels │
│ Main Menu │
Print (A)ll Labels from Data File
The label printing menu allows you to print all of the labels in
the data file, a section (year to year) of the labels, Pick and choose
individual labels, or just make up labels one at a time.
If you are just inventorying your collection, the print all
option allows you to check your work as you stick the labels on the
coin holders. Missing coins or labels show errors quickly.
Print (S)ection of Labels from Data File
When you choose the Section printout this menu appears:
╔════Choosing Labels to print════╗
║ Choose the year of the coin ║
║ to start printing and the ║
║ last year you wish printed ║
║ Press <Enter> after each. ║
Starting Year:
Ending Year:
Simply type the starting and ending year and the computer will
print out labels for all coins between those years.
Pick and (C)hoose Labels from Data File
Choosing the 'Pick and choose' menu item brings this menu up:
╔═════════Choosing Labels to print══════════╗
║ Choose a starting year and the computer ║
║ will ask you about each coin. Press Y ║
║ to print, N to skip, R to jump to another ║
║ year, or Q to quit ║
║ Starting Year: 1916 ║
Choose a starting year and the computer will then prompt you with
coins to be labelled:
╔═════════Choosing Labels to print══════════╗
║ Choose a starting year and the computer ║
║ will ask you about each coin. Press Y ║
║ to print, N to skip, R to jump to another ║
║ year, or Q to quit ║
╔══════Print this Coin ?══════╗
║ 1916 D 1 ║
║ Print (R/Y/N/Q) ║
Simply respond with R=jump to another year, Y=Yes, N=No, or Quit
to return to the label menu. After each coin you respond Y or N to,
another coin will be displayed until the collection is finished.
Print (I)ndividual Labels
The print Individual label routine simply prompts you for general
╔══════Individual Labels to print══════╗
║ This prints manual labels. Put in ║
║ the year, mint, and condition. When ║
║ you complete a line, it will print. ║
║ Enter Q for the year to quit. ║
Enter any values here and they will be printed on labels. Notice
that nothing is printed until a complete line (3 labels) are typed in.
Type in Q for the year and press enter 2x to return to the Label menu.
(M)ain Menu
This item returns you to the Main coin menu.
(M)ake Inventory Sheet
║ Choose the Nationality of the Want File to be ║
║ used in generating the Inventory Sheet. ║
To make an inventory sheet, you use the provided want files.
Alternatively, you may make a custom want file and then use it to
provide an inventory sheet. Choose the country of the collection you
wish to make an inventory sheet for. A list of available want files
will be displayed:
║ Choose the want file name for the collection ║
║ to be inventoried. The program will print ║
║ the inventory sheets for this collection. ║
Select File -
Choose the want file you want to use. You will then be asked for
a 25 letter Description for use on the print out. Be sure your
printer is ready and the Inventory sheet will print out. An
additional few blanks (10% of total coins in collection) will be
printed to put duplicates in. The coins are printed in the same order
they will be asked for when you set up the collection data file using
want file assistance.
(B)ack Up Coin Data
This is an entirely new function for COINFILE and backs up all of
your data files (and want files if desired) and other attendant files
(DATATRAK.DTA and COINSTAL.DTA) so that you can recover from a hard
disk crash. When you choose this menu item a new program is entered:
p Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Bac
up Backup Back╔═══════════════════════════════════╗ackup Backup Ba
kup Backup Bac║ Coinfile Backup Utility ║Backup Backup B
ckup Backup Ba╠═══════════════════════════════════╣ Backup Backup
ackup Backup B║ This program backs up all of the ║ Backup Backup
Backup Backup ║ data which you would need to re- ║p Backup Backup
Backup Backup ║ cover from a hard disk drive ║up Backup Backu
Backup Backup║ crash. It can save all of the ║kup Backup Back
p Backup Backu║ data files, want files and other ║ckup Backup Bac
up Backup Back║ necessary files. If you have run ║ackup Backup Ba
kup Backup Bac║ the COINFILE install program this ║Backup Backup B
ckup Backup Ba║ will be properly installed. ║ Backup Backup
ackup Backup B╚═══════════════════════════════════╝ Backup Backup
Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup
Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backu
Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Back
p Backup ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ackup Bac
up Backup║ Backup to drive A: or B: or (R)eturn (A,B,R): ║Backup Ba
kup Backu╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Backup B
ckup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup
ackup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup
The installation menu on COINFILE must be installed properly for
this feature to work properly. It must know the size of your floppy
drives in order to proceed. See the documentation on the COINFILE
Installation section of the main menu. Return will exit back to
COINFILE. Choose A or B and you will then be asked if you want to
backup the want files. If you have customized them you should back
them up. Otherwise they are still available on the original disk.
You will then proceed to this menu.
║ Backup Information ║
║ This backup will require 1 blank diskette(s) in drive B: ║
║ with a capacity of 730112 bytes each. ║
║ ║
║ from the main coinfile directory, and the Data Files ║
║ in the \DATA subdirectory, and the Want Files in the ║
║ \WANT subdirectory. ║
It will ask you to insert a blank formatted disk and will then
proceed to copy the data files to it.
║ C:\VBDOS\COIN40\WANT\DIMELIB.AMR being copied..... 31/ 113 files ║
At the end of the backup you are returned to COINFILE.
(R)ecover Coin Data
To recover your data after a disk crash, follow the following
1. Reinstall COINFILE off the original set up with no data in it.
2. Go to the COIN Installation set up and be certain that your
information on your floppy drives is correct and matches the disk type
that your data backup is on. Be sure that the data and want
subdirectories are the same as on the backup floppy.
3. Run the recover utility. Tell it which drive the back up
diskette(s) are in.
║ Coinfile Data Recovery Utility ║
║ This program is designed to recover ║
║ all of the data which you previously ║
║ backed up. Since this will WRITE OVER ║
║ your DATATRAK.DTA file and your DATA ║
║ files, you will lose any information ║
║ which you have put into the program ║
║ since this backup. This can be used as ║
║ a safeguard against hard drive failure.. ║
║ Which floppy drive is the backed up data in (A,B), (R)eturn : ║
The program will then write the data into the proper places to
run with your newly installed copy of COINFILE.
║ Coinfile Data Recovery Utility ║
║ This program is designed to recover ║
║ all of the data which you previously ║
║ backed up. Since this will WRITE OVER ║
║ your DATATRAK.DTA file and your DATA ║
║ files, you will lose any information ║
║ which you have put into the program ║
║ since this backup. This can be used as ║
║ a safeguard against hard drive failure.. ║
║ CENTLIN.DMR being copied..... 3/ 37 files ║
After all copying is complete you will be returned to COINFILE.
If you are observant you will note that 1 file less will be copied
back than were backed up. This is because a backup/recover directory
file is written on the floppy to control the copying. It is not
needed on the hard drive and is not copied back.
(C)oinfile Installation
│ Drive, Subdirectories │
│ Printer Parameters │
│ Edit National Want File Parameters │
│ Data Sources │
│ Write revised COINSTAL.DTA and Return │
This menu item allows you to adjust the parameters COINFILE uses
to access the disk and printer as well as national want file endings
and information source information.
(D)rive, Subdirectories
║ In order for COINFILE to find your data and. ║
║ you must tell the program what subdirectory ║
║ in which they are located. The path must end ║
║ in a backslash. i.e, C:\COIN40\DATA\ ║
║ Press ESC to return ║
Want File Disk and Subdirectory: C:\VBDOS\COIN40\WANT\
Data File Disk and Subdirectory: C:\VBDOS\COIN40\DATA\
╔Floppy Drive Types:═════════╗
║ none = 0 ║ Choose your Drive capacities:
║ 5.25 inch 360 kb drive = 1 ║
║ 5.25 inch 1.2 Mb drive = 2 ║ Drive A: (1, 2, 3, 4): 2
║ 3.5 inch 720 kb drive = 3 ║
║ 3.5 inch 1.4 MB drive = 4 ║ Drive B: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4): 4
The Drive menu allow you to set up the subdirectories that your
want files and data files will be written to. In addition, you can
specify the type of diskettes to be used in backing your data up. If
you have a 1.2 MB drive and wish to back up to 360 KB diskettes you
should tell this program that you have a 360KB drive. If you intend
to back up to 1.2 MB floppies, tell it you have a 1.2 MB drive. If
your drive is a 360KB drive you MUST tell it 360KB. The same setup
holds with the 3.5" drives.
(P)rinter Parameters
│ A │ 17 Char/Inch Print Mode │ 15 │
│ B │ 12 Char/Inch Print Mode │ 27 58 │
│ C │ 10 Char/Inch Print Mode │ 18 │
│ D │ Double Width Mode │ 14 │
│ E │ Skip Over Perf/Bottom Margin │ 27 78 12 │
│ F │ Top Margin │ 0 │
│ G │ Left Margin │ 27 88 4 0 │
│ H │ Printer Reset │ 27 64 │
│ I │ Set Lines/Page │ 27 67 66 │
│ J │ Top of Page │ 12 │
R to return
The current default set-up is the Epson 9-pin printer FX-80.
Many printers have a Epson compatible setting. If you wish to obtain
print outs of your coin information, you will have to tell COINFILE,
the printer codes to be used for your printer. You can look these up
in your printer manual. Most manuals give them in decimal and
hexadecimal. Only the decimal may be put into this routine. Choose
the printer code to be adjusted and this screen will appear:
║ Check your printer manual for the printer ║
║ control codes. These must be entered as ║
║ a series of decimal numbers (up to 10). ║
Set printer pitch for 17 char/inch Printer code:
Up to 10 decimal numbers may be entered. when the numbers are
correct press <ESC> to return to the print code menu. Press R to
return to the Install menu. Save the settings by writing the revised
(E)dit National Want File Parameters
║Put nationality in 12 character field and 3 a letter file ending in║
║the 3 letter field. The ending can NOT start with D or the data file║
║would have the same name as the want file. Do not use the same last║
║two letters in 2 codes. Press F10 to accept, <ESC> to reject change.║
Nationality: Code: Nationality: Code:
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20
When you obtain COINFILE it comes with American and Canadian want
files. You can generate other countries want files and set them up in
the program too. There are a couple of rules for choosing endings for
want files.
1. The 3 letter ending cannot start with D. The computer will lop off
the first letter of the 3 letter designation and put a D in its place
to name data files. If you had the same name data file and want file,
you would be unable to do a full backup since one would write over the
2. The last two letters should not be the same. This would result in
two countries using the same data file endings (DXX). In this
situation you might want to have a collection from each country with
the 1st 8 letter name the same and you would not be able to.
Up to 20 different countries can be supported. I would be most
interested in being able to add any want files you made up for other
countries to COINFILE.
Data (S)ources
║ Please put the name of your pricing reference. ║
║ and coin grading reference here. These items ║
║ are printed on the appropriate reports. ║
Coin grading : Photograde: A Coin Grading Guide
This item allows you to specify what sources you used to
determine the grade and value of your coins. This is printed on the
insurance list to inform your insurance company of where you obtained
your data.
(W)rite revised COINSTAL.DTA and Return
Any changes you have made in the Install section are not written
until you attempt to return to the main menu. When you do this, you
will be asked if you wish to Save or Abort the changes. If you wish
to save them, press S. If not, press A. If you press A you will be
asked if you are sure (Y/N). You will then be returned to the main
Close All Files and (E)nd
This is the only proper exit from the COINFILE program. It
closes your open files and delivers you back to your Disk Operating
IV. Utilities
The program REBUILD.EXE is something that you should never have
to use. However, over the last several years I have had several
frantic calls from users who have managed to destroy the file
DATATRAK.SEQ (now called DATATRAK.DTA). When this happens ALL of your
data appears to have vanished. I wrote this program to help these
users get back up and running. I now include it with each registered
copy so that if I get a call such as these, I won't have to waste
several days shipping it to the user.
REBUILD.EXE looks out at your data and want files and recovers
what it can of your set up. It then asks you several simple questions
about each data file to recover the rest of the information. On
running REBUILD.EXE, you will see this screen if there is any remnant
of the DATATRAK.DTA file found.
║ An existing DATATRAK.DTA file has been found; Shall I continue Y/N:║
If you continue you will destroy your current DATATRAK.DTA file.
Choose N and you return to DOS. Choose Y and you will see this menu.
│ Rebuilding DATATRAK.DTA │
│ A total of 35 files have been found. │
│ In order to rebuild the control file you will need to │
│ answer a a couple of questions on each data file to complete │
│ the lost file control information. Most of the information │
│ will be supplied by the computer. │
│ File 1/ 35--file entry being rebuilt: CENTLIN.DMR │
┌─────Recovered Information: ─────┐
│ Coins in file: 612 │ Description:
│ Date last used: 10-08-1993 │
│ Wantfile Match: CENTLIN.AMR │ Minimum accept. condition (1-70):
You are told how many data files were found, and you will be set
up to recover the 1st. The program will display the information it
has recovered, and ask for a description of the file and a minimum
acceptable condition. The program will step through all of your data
files (35 in the example above) asking you these questions. When done
it will sort the file and write it to disk. You can then enter the
COIN program and your data files would again be readable.
The program EDITDTRK.EXE is also something that you should never
have to use. It allows you to manually edit any of the information in
the DATATRAK.DTA file. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS since if you give it
bad information COINFILE will not work correctly. I recommend that it
not be used unless under my directions and ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE MADE
BACKUPS. This program was included to help me troubleshoot user
problems over the phone.
When you enter this program, you can choose which file listings
you wish to edit.
Misuse of program can make your data unreadable. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
Choose the files you wish to edit:
<+> or <Ins> to Mark for Editing - <SPACE> marks or unmarks all
<-> or <Del> to UnMark for Editing, <Enter> or ESC to Exit
Select the ones you want using the + or INS key. Press <ENTER>
or <ESC> to go on.
┌───────────────────Editing DATATRAK.DTA────────────────────┐
│ This program allows you to change ANY DATA in the │
│ DATATRAK.DTA control file. If you enter nonsense here │
│ COINFILE will run unpredictably and may destroy your │
│ data files. BE SURE to back everything up before using │
│ this program. Do not make changes you do not understand. │
File name: 3CENTNIC Data File ending: DMR Want File ending: AMR
File Description: Silver 3 cent coins
Date File last used: 10-10-1993
Total number of coins in collection: 1
Minimum accept. condition (1-70): 12
You will now see each of the file listings you selected displayed
for editing any field. Again, if you don't know what you are doing
here, do nothing. Renaming the file will not rename the file on disk,
just in the DATATRAK.DTA file, so that COIN will not be able to find
it. Changing the Data file ending or want file ending can be just as
serious. Changing the number of coins in the collection will cause it
to see the number you put in here. This will lop data off or have you
accessing nonsense files.
Duchek Computer Services will be happy to replace a defective
disk if the programs are unreadable. We are not responsible for lost
or incorrect data due to the use of these programs. The COINFILE
system is provided on an as-is basis. Only REGISTERED users will be
notified of major updates or improvements.
This program has been written in MS Visual BASIC for MS-DOS 1.0
and extensively debugged. We use this system ourselves and any bugs
that we have found have been corrected. All of our care not
withstanding, it has been said that no program is ever totally bug
free. We cannot guarantee perfection. We cannot take responsibility
for any losses of software, hardware or data which results from the
use of this program. It is possible that you may discover a bug; if
so, we would appreciate your help in correcting it. Please print out
the screen display, note down the symptoms and what you were doing
when the bug occurred and mail these to:
John R. Duchek
Duchek Computer Services
P. O. Box 25006
St. Louis, MO 63125
We will attempt to get back to you with a correction or
interpretation of the phenomenon as soon as possible.
Visual Basic for MS-DOS and MS-DOS are trade names of Microsoft
This documentation is for version 4.00
COINFILE 4.00 Registration Form
Mail order form to:
Duchek Computer Services
P.O. Box 25006
St. Louis, MO 63125
Credit card orders can be made by telephone (7:00 AM-9:00 PM
Central Time) by calling (314)-544-1843
Street (1)____________________________________________________
Street (2)____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________
Type of computer______________________________________________
Monitor Type__________________________________________________
Hard Drive?_________________Size______________________________
Suggestions for Improvements__________________________________
└─┘ Register me for the current version of COINFILE......$30.00
└─┘ Send the printed manual @ $.5.00 ea................._______
└─┘ Send 5.25" diskette (1.2 MB)
└─┘ Send 3.5" diskette (720 KB,or 1.44 MB)
Check type of payment:
__Check __MasterCard __Visa Card number:______-______-______-_____
Expiration date: ______/______
All credit card purchases are subject to authorization.